Well, a wonderful, busy week has passed here at Calathora....
Folks, January 2009 has been The Great De-Cluttering and Organization Movement of the decade here!!! Oh-so exciting. There's something wonderful about getting all those piles around the farm and house gone through and exterminated, the junk burned with a toss-it-forever fury, and the good stuff put in barns and sheds in a way so you can see what you have and use it!!! To get those unfinished projects that have been bothering us for months done, ah!! It's like getting rid of a huge burden!! We're not quite done, but almost. Bliss!!
Painting has been one of our occupations this week-we painted the commercial kitchen in the wedding barn this luscious terra-cotta color, and (the ceiling has two levels, one level is a very small portion of the ceiling) and we painted the smaller portion this vibrant happy blue, and it's so delightfully different and happy!! I've just fallen in love with it. We got the color inspiration from a picture of a sea-side village in St. Tropez, France-that sounds so posh, doesn't it!?:D
(Oh!! I'm learning French!! Lord willing, I'll be through with this book by the end of the year. I'm on 'lecon deux' right now-got a long way to go! ;D But I'm trying to be slow and thorough. It's fascinating-languages are super interesting!)
Anyway, back to the colors-it's sorta bright, but we figured we will be in that kitchen so seldom we could afford to do something a little edgy. Oh, tra-la, this is the best part-we're gonna get a wall-pen (Lord willing) the exact color of the blue of the ceiling- what is a wall pen, you say? - I shall explain!! Over the years, as people cook in the kitchen, we'll have them sign their name, in rather small script, of course, with the wall-pen ,in a long line around the windows and doors-sort of like a guest book on the wall-isn't that fun? Here's our sketch:
I can't wait to show y'all the pictures of all the developments down at the new barn-it's so neat! Daddy dear's got the most amazing office in a section of it, and it's got a deck on the back of the barn, (perfect for watching sunsets) and we have a corral off to the side now!! And a place to sort cows and things. I don't know all the proper names for the complicated fencing and such, but it is fascinating! The pictures will speak for themselves when I post them. All very exciting!
Our laundry has been backed up this week, thanks to moi's expert laundress abilities. :( Mama reminded me that I have been busy painting the kitchen and the closet in the barn, and could hardly be expected to be in two places at once...LOL, thanks, Mom :) But, tonight, I think it's all done!! And all the tribe rejoiced for the laundered raiment. Not a bit of ironing to do!! Ha ha! I do love to iron, but it's good to be caught up.
(Did I tell y'all we changed household chores? We keep them for, like, 6 months at a time, so it's always a big deal around here till each of us three girls gets settled into our new job. :) Dee's the house, Marth's the kitchen, and I already said what I am. Ah, I love, just love being a daughter in a home!! It's just plain fun to 'love on', as we call it, your home, and your family. To pour energy and effort into the day and get behind what your father's doing - to endeavor to support your Daddy and Mama (and eventually, husband) in what your father is leading your family in is awesome.
Some people say that they think being at home is boring, confining, fruitless, unfullfilling and "door matty". It's strange that they say that- because everyone has to eat and live in some kind of place-why not nice and comfy? :D
But I hear folks say things, and my heart goes out to them. I say that being set free into the realization of the proper, biblical role of woman is the most exciting, fruitful, fulfilling and spiritually rich thing in the world. To love that little brother, or little son, is to influence the father of millions-
to make a really good spaghetti sauce, or to fold those towels in that pretty way, to create a feast for the eyes and palette for your tired father or husband in the evening, is to inspire, nurture and encourage the leaders of our day-
to be creative, thrifty and ingenious in your own home, creating masterpieces out of a simple room with items found here and there-
to welcome as many children into your life as the Lord sees fit to bless you with-to create a peaceful, happy home that is a center of love and the light of Christ. Ah!! The possibilities and fullness of being in God's design for the family is awesome. I think Faithful Mother of Thousands, Supporting Daughter, Loving Wife and Joyful Sister are the most precious credentials in the world. And they last for eternity. I tell you, God's design is really, really good!!
I've been thinking this week about dear ones that have gone on to be with the Lord. I really miss them. GrandMama dearest, Joshua...I was listening to O Mio Babbino Caro today, it just brings it all back. Don't forget to lift up Joshua's family to the Lord. I can't wait to see them in heaven. Oh...they must be having an amazing time. I can't even begin to imagine. To see Jesus' face, and to be with Him forever. Lord, Lord, You are so good.
Andrew, our dear little brother, will be turning 14 on the first-I can't believe it!! I listened to S.M. Davis' cd while I was painting about "How older children have influence on Younger Children", and it has really convicted and inspired me. There is soo much I need to work on-I'm excited about pressing forward, with the Lord's help, to being a better big sister. Katie is such an example to me in that. She is amazing! Oh-speaking of Katie, she said Ron darling is walking now!! *sniff* We miss them tons!
Well, sorry for all this rambling-:) If I've bored you to tears, dry them, for there are a few pictures to this here post from Sunday, below-enjoy!
His Grace and Peace to you.
I enjoyed reading your ramblings and seeing all the lovely pictures! It is a blessing to see you enjoying your life at home.
Many blessings to you! I enjoyed seeing you all in San Antonio!
I completely agree with your opinions on how we women can serve and love those in our homes. So often in today's society, people lose sight of the life that Christ calls us to live. Keep loving and serving - let others continue to see God's love in your actions and heart.
Anna dear, it was so delightful to see you in S.A., too-may God bless you richly!!
Jessica, thank you so much for the wonderful encouragement! I was so blessed reading the posts on your blog about who you're thankful for. May God bless you as you serve Him!
Love, Adeline
P.S. Mrs. McKeller is still at the library, and I know her life would be touched to know she did the same to yours.
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