Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The 4'th of July

Hello, everybody!!

Ah, what a blessed day we had on the 4'th-such sweet fellowship, fun games, delicious stew and inspiring talks...We went to bed that night so refresh by the Body of Christ....The Lord is indeed gracious.

Here's a few pictures from the day-enjoy, dahlings!! Not much time, so I'll skip along!!


Daddy dear's wonderful Brunswick Strew in the making!
"I think not, baby puppy." ;) (Silly movie quote... :)
Fellowship around the stew pot...
Meanwhile, most of us kids fill water balloons for the Great Battle of...oh, I don't know, Waterloo? Cheesy, I know, LOL...
Smells soo good...
Time to eat! Here, Daddy and Mama fill up urns with stew to take back in to the food table... ;)
Soup and crackers are one of the most comforting things in the world, I think...Ah...
Birthday Buddies Daisy and Joe!!

1 comment:

Orenczaks said...

Looks like you guys had fun!
Hope to you guys soon!
Orenczak family