Thursday, July 23, 2009

Visit to Rora Vally

Good evening, y'all!

As some of you may know, our boys have been doing the carpentry on the Sander's home over across the state line, so we've been back and forth allot lately. (It's been so wonderful to see this dear family more often!) A few weeks ago, the whole family went and joined the work crew, (who is staying there in town during the week and returning here on the weekends) and enjoyed the Sander's sweet hospitality for a few days, while Daddy checked on the job and did some things on that. Some of the following pictures are from that trip, and some are from the time Cleve and I went up there for a few days while Cleveland did some work with Noah. I went along to take care of Cleve and visit, and had such a dear time of fellowship with the precious Sanders ladies...what blessings each of them are! We all picked blueberries, swam in the pond and pool, got a tour of Rora Vally, did chores (I just love it when you're at a friends house and they give you a chore!! Just makes one feel so loved and right at home.) had ice cream cones, milkshakes and a delightful game night, :D told stories, had sweet talks, found May Pops, watched videos, listened to JP and Les Miserables (to be pronounced with a thick country accent ;), and just had a very homey and encouraging few days with dear sisters in Christ-Thanks so much, y'all! God bless!

(Oh, and they have a fabulous blog here, where they are documenting the building of their home and their family life-it's just wonderful, and has such beautiful pictures, too.)
Grace picking blueberries with her stylishly upturned collar. :P JK, honey! (She was doing it to keep the sun off. :)Such beautiful berries...Ice cream in The Shop...Swimming in the pond. (well, actually, we're jumping off the dock, here, LOL-love that swan dive, dear! ;D) Oh, something interesting-Dee had her hair stick in when she went swimming, and it came out and sank to the bottom-so they swam down there, and actually found it!! Isn't that incredible? Got stuck on a root or something. Thought that was cool.They had some festive lanterns above the dining table that made it all so cheery!The beautiful lake and tree house. Dee and AbbiEdwin-O stands in front of the building site. Coming along!
Marth and Bekah doin' eggs-love that expression there, hon.
Abbi Rose #1
Abbi Rose #2
Here are Dee and Abbi in pink. They gave us a tour of the farm-it is so beautiful, and exciting to see how the Lord is bringing it all together!
Bekah (and a little one on her back) on top of the 'mountain'.

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