Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Fourth

On July fourth, we had the pleasure of going to the F.R.'s home and enjoying a day of wonderful fellowship, BBQ ribs, soccer, cards, cokes, laughing, cameras, swings, and Greek dodge ball among other things~;) The Lord blessed us with blue skies, bright sunshine, and plenty of wonderful memories. Thanks to the R. family for such a great party!! The master 'griller'...Sam preparing the fatted calf for consumption....Chewing in...Sweet girls K. and D.One of our beautiful grand children!!!Joyful laughter...Our lovely hostess, Mrs. C.

Sweet smiles...

Dad and Mum

"Le caniche de Pasco, le Capitaine Pepper Jack"

Miss D.
Dorothy Jean
Look at those gorgeous blue eyes!! What a sweetie...

Adeline and C.
"Humm...ith'nt that thomthan!"
Swinging. humm, someone is looking mischievous.....only, which one? Dear M. Talking under the shade...LOL, notice the A/C running in the back ground~Is not that a great idea! And it really worked, too! Very neat.
"Awww....look at da sweet baybeee...."Kressy Beall Happy daughter....Buddy's...

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