Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Bravo ............ and a little personal note

Bravo to Doug Phillips. His blog post on horror films is great. Read it at Our GrandMother went to great lengths to protect her children from horror films and we will always be grateful to her for her wisdom. God bless you , Grand Mom!!

The Morton household is lamenting the loss of Michael and Kressant. Their little abode looks mighty forlorn with no smling faces and cheery hellos ringing out. It's been a long two days. But we know they are enjoying their working holiday in Griffin with the Smith Household.

Alan and Katie have been traveling lately, going to the Sherman wedding in Illinois. They are due home soon. Their pregnancy is progressing well.

For all you Dels up there in the snow , and others in more northerly climes, we want to rib you goodnaturedly with the news that we go out to pick lettuces and other goodies for our salads in the evenings. We don't get the fun of a white Christmas, but we do get to pick lettuces in November!!

On a more sober note, I joyfully made a point of announcing our forthcoming baby on this blog several weeks ago. Therefore ,though I would rather not make such a private announcement on the internet, I find myself in the position of needing to mention to friends and loved ones in blogland that Michael and I miscarried our little one on Tuesday, October 17. We are all well, though disappointed, and are completely trusting in our wonderful Lord's sovereignty and wisdom. We do have 12 children, and times like this renew our perspective and make us doubly grateful for each one we have. Chidlren are truly a blessing and reward from the hand of an almighty God and we stand today praising Him and looking forward to rejoicing with these little ones in Heaven, as David said'You will not come to me, but I will come to you'.

The blessing of children does involve a time of sowing and even weeping when you think you can't do another thing , but when the 'sheaves' start coming in and the boys are over 6' tall and they bend down to kiss their little Mama and the girls bring you hot tea in bed because you are feeling blue - oh, my the joy.

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Have a joyful and happy day. From Michael and Jeanine, Cleveland , Wesley , Dorothy, Adeline , Martha, Andrew, Samuel, John, Edwin and Paul Morton :)


Stinnett Family said...

Hello Mortons!
We met up with Katie and Alan at the wedding and they told us about your blog. We really enjoyed the pictures and the updates on your sweet family!

Baleboosteh said...

From a stranger in the UK who has been reading and enjoying your blog for sometime, may I say how very sorry I am to hear your news about the baby. I too lost a little one last month and have been comforted by the certain knowledge that she is with the Lord. May He continue to comfort and bless you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Morton,
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your little one. May our dear Lord and Savior comfort and strengthen you and your family.

I enjoy reading your blog posts, you have such a nice style of writing.

Love in Christ, Karen Einwechter

chatkat said...

Dear Mortons:

We are sorry to hear about your little one.

We look forward to seeing you again one day.

The Pethtels

Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...

Mrs. Morton,
So sorry to hear about your loss, we'll be keeping you in our prayers.
Regarding the jealousy we Northerns have for your fine Southern weather, I do love the warmth of the South but the snow in a way makes me appreciate sunny weather more. Really, I do enjoy the change of seasons we have here in MI though it does get bitterly cold sometimes during the fall and winter months!
Have A Lovely Warm Fall and enjoy your lettuce, lol!!
Carol D.

Anonymous said...

Was saddened to hear of your loss!! Isn't it such a blessing to have your other children there to help take care of you? I know with the loss of my dad, my boys have helped me have a reason to get out of bed each day and count them as a blessing from the Lord. It does make you so much appreciate your loved ones more when we go through these crisis.
Mrs. Morton, I've been wanting to thank you for the lunch you bought Matthew and I when we were with you in Aug. What a nice treat.
We love you all and the example you are to us!!