Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I'm sorry, no autographs just now. Perhaps later.

After church, we had a fun evening with the church family to honor Amanda Davis on her graduation from Home School high school. Congratulations , Amanda!!

Then, later on Sunday night, the Smiths arrived for the Fourth of July weekend . A fun time was had by all. A little wedding planning and sewing , working out some details, some fun playing amongst the children and general good fellowship filled the day , Monday. With them were two dear children from Latvia, whom the Smiths are hosting this summer for five weeks. We stayed up entirely too late Monday night watching Mr. Bret's fave movie. The fourth is actually Bret and Jacqueline's anniversary -- Yeah!!!!! - - so Mr. and Mrs. Bret Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morton went out to eat whilst the folks at home hosted Michael and Kressant at the Back Porch Cafe.

FYI, A Morton Back Porch Cafe was a heart storm - you've heard of a brain storm ? Well, when Katie was a very young girl, she had an idea of inviting her Grandparents over , asking them to DRESS UP, and setting a romantic table for two on our back porch and serving them a fancy meal, complete with menu and place cards, flowers and music. So, voila - was born the Back Porch Cafe. It is quite a compliment to have a BPC given in your honor. The invitations are very hard to get and quite coveted. :)

Tuesday saw us all load up and off to the Sanders - that's THE Sanders - of Auburn , Alabama. We spent a delightful day of swimming, obstacle course running and eating - fabulous grilled chicken. We met some delightful folks - the Whatley family and the Hardy family. It was good to see Hosea Horneman again.

All in all , a very fun Fourth. (Say that fast five times.)

A few last minute thoughts............
Reverence your husband - He's your head. Honor your parents - It's vital. Take your daughters out to lunch. Hug your sons. Write the married ones letters. As I learn more, I'll pass it on. :) ( hey, I'm talking to myself , too -- ya know that.)
It is late, I'm off to bed. Good night. Let's all persevere in well doing and not get weary. Michael says there's a new load of mercy for us in the morning.
Wesley said to be sure to sign this post, so here goes.......Mrs. Michael Morton :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it when you post an entry Jeannine! You are such an encouragement. We enjoyed ya'lls visit so much.
Wendi :)