Wednesday, May 23, 2007

An adoring precious.

I shall leave you with a lovely picture of our dear couple!


Anonymous said...

I hope we get to hear all about the betrothal about posting a video of them????

Anonymous said...

I've been blessed by many of the entries on your family blog, but I must admit the whole concept of a betrothal ceremony is really new to me.
What is the distinction (in your practice) between betrothal and marriage? Does the groom really pay the bride's father a monetary sum? (I married young and believe it's a good thing for believers to marry young but Wesley and Rachel look VERY young - how was Wesley supposed to raise a bride price?) What is the scriptural basis for a betrothal ceremony (particularly in the New Testament)?
Like I said, I've never heard of this being practiced in modern Christian families so I'm really interested to hear more about it.

Blessings to both families.

Anonymous said...

Also, what do you mean by "price" for the bride? What is the price?

Also, do you perform the 'legal marriage' at the betrothal, or at the wedding ceremony?


Good morning , all. Mrs. Jeanine here. I"m so glad folks are asking questions - it is exciting to share info that has been such a blessing to our family. The betrothal ceremony is simply a way of celebrating the occasion. Good news is happier and more fun when you share it, and a betrothal ceremony is just our way of rejoicing with family and friends. The fathers, Wesley and Mrs. Jacqueline spoke, our Grandfather prayed, friends and family toasted the couple and we had a big sit-down feast! I'll go on the blog and answer questions in more detail later . Bye!

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear more details also. I really enjoy your family's blog. It has really been a blessing. Your family always looks so HAPPY, it's a joy to see. Please know that you are touching people's hearts everywhere! Best of luck to Rachel and Wesley, and to your new grandchild expected this summer. :) That Bret is a doll (I have a Brett too, but he's 17). Looking forward to reading more later -- and the wedding plans -- Lisa in ND