Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Hey Y'all!!!
Darth and Addie here~Drum Roll please.......


We've lost our camera!!! (We are missing it very much, and have not given it up for lost. Hence the absence of recent pictures)
Really, on with the news~hum...news.
Well, our meterman ran over our brand new little puppy. Tragic, really. Poor little bite. The guy was so distressed over it! The pretty thing had only been here a few days, so no emotional attatchment had been made. Andrew was a dear and buried it for us.


Anna Naomi said...

I hope you find your camera soon! What a catastrophe! =)

Anonymous said...

Oh girls! A dead dog! was it a stray? I bet Paul was sad about it.Poor meter guy...

Matt Vawser said...

I know how ya feel Andrew, I've buried three of our critters this year. Mostly because everyone in the family knows I love to dig around in the dirt, but what boy doesn't.