Yesterday we had all 4 babies in the same house, so pictures were the order of the day!!! Aren't they each just~Adorable!? We stuffed the chubby darlings into all sorts of uncomfortable little clothes, amid cries of pitiful protest, and had them sit still {haha} for 30 minutes while we snapped and laughed away!! So saying here are the results of a hilariously delightful half hour.
Drop us a comment and tell us which is your favorite and why! We would love all the tips we can get, as I'm sure another "torture session" for the poor dears will ensue as soon as M&K's 2'nd arrives in July...
# 4~Gentlemen in Color
OOhh Addie! What cute pictures! Thank you so much for posting them.
Give our love to all the Morton ladies,
Jackie, Bethy and Maud
What cuties! Thanks Addie May for posting them. I think I like the third one best. Little Bret and Mikie seem quite fasinated, while Ronnie doesn't appear to know what is going on, and Joseph looks like he wants his Mama.LOL, What Hams!!
Love to all and to all a good night,
ooo what CUTE pictures!
#2 is my favourite. Little ron is pulling the cutest face!
the pictures are so sweet .
the little guys are so cute.
Hello, Mortons!
Congratulations on the new Grandson/ Nephew! Thank you, Adeline, for sharing the story of the birth. It is so touching and to see your trust in God is encouraging!
Take care.
In Christian love,
P.S. I cannot decide which picture is my favorite, they are all so cute! :)
I love #3, all of the looks are priceless. LOL,
What cute pictures! My favorite is number 2. I just love Bret and Ron's faceial exspression, Lil' Mike looks as if he wants to say something, and Joseph is just sleeping so peacefully. What great pictures. See all soon.
For the Hicks family
What great pictures, Addie! They are all very cute. I sure hope we can see y'all soon! We miss you!
Bekah, for the Sanders
P.S. If you get a chance sometime, we all would love to see some pictures of y'all's garden! (Oh, and the reknowned seesaw! LOL!) Love ya!
How are Rachel and the little one doing these days??
PLEASE update soon with all the morton happenings :)
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