Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Sunday: Church meeting was at our home that next morning, so after a wonderful meeting and covered dish, the afternoon was spent in wonderful relaxation and fellowship. All the boys played in the pasture, and I got a few pictures of that-it looked so fun! Wesley being jumped on by Sam, while Baily seeks to escape being deeply impressed, and Josiah catches up to hop on while the caravan passes by...
The caravan and it's occupants...
Edger driving the rig...
Trying to stay on...
Grass 'n Manure skiing, the newest Olympic sport.
Catching up...
All the older sisters watching...
Keep it up, boys!! My fellow photographer, Norma-you look so cute and retro with that old bike, dear!!

Well, praise the Lord for such a wonderful, encouraging weekend!! It was so great to see all of you that we saw, and we missed those of you who we didn't. :)

Our evening, Lord willing, consists of a lovely evening with our dear Davis', at their home. The Mums and Dads are going to go out together, and we girls have planned to read our book together and sew while we sit! Doesn't that sound jolly?

Mama and Daddy went to a cool consignment sale, and brought home lots of adorable clothes and a whole pile of wooden playing logs, which the little boys are now upstairs playing with. :) You can hear them clanging together with great useage. (is that a word, LOL?)

Dee just made bread, and it smells soo good and homey...the sun is going down, and it's golden rays are making the little bit of green grass coming up in the field look like a so beautiful...sort of heavenly looking...There is peaceful music sounds like you're looking back on life and smiling, and looking into the future and smiling, because the Lord was with you, and because He is, and will be with you. We serve such a faithful King.

Have a peaceful, beautiful evening.



  1. Oh wow! That is SO funny. That looks like so much fun !! Hope to see you soon.

  2. Anonymous8/3/09 19:43

    We missed you all - we are so sorry we were unable to come. Mr. Mark was working and I was still recuperating and continue to do so. Hopefully we will see y'all soon.


    Mrs. Kathy P.
