Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Celebration of Carlos Phinehas

A few weeks ago, we all gathered at the R.'s home for our darling nephew Carlos' baby shower, and what a wonderful time we had! We enjoyed delicious food, fun games, laughter, looking at lovely gifts, holding babies and just being together as we rejoiced over Carlos Phinehas Morton...God bless you, little man! The beautiful spread...Bienvenidos, Carlos!
Sweet Mrs. K. We played this hilarious game of clothes-pin collecting-if you caught someone crossing their legs, you got to have their pin, and who ever had the most pins at the end of the afternoon got a prize-LOL, it was fun... I think Becka's winning.. ;)
Look!! She's walking and clapping...must be a multi-tasker! Mrs. Christine and Martha Ann
Dear Kress and moi
Miss Rosie
Mr. Joe man-ah, his eyes are soo beautiful!
Rebekah and Daisy
Mama and Mrs. Wendi admiring gifts...
Martha and S. admiring more... ;)
Carlos wit' hims GrandMama Kress enjoying three handmade baskets of goodies... Laughter
Gathered around the punch table Angie and Small Spot # 4 (notice how he gingerly nibbles on a mint? He's a sophisticated child, that one)
Sweet Abbi (it was so wonderful to see y'all, Sander's ladies! We miss you all-hope to see you again soon.) All the game suvivors!! I think Becka did win, after all. :D
Three R. boys having fun with the pins afterwords-Cuties.
LOL, this makes me laugh...
The food table was there after raided by all the little guys from outside. :D (This one must be a healthy boy-notice the selected carrot stick :)
I love this picture-You look so cute, Norma hon! And here's our Mama and 'wittle precious! We love you!

We're so grateful you're here, Carlos...


  1. Anonymous16/2/09 22:18

    Such a sweet punkin. We had such a good time celebrating Carlos' life with everyone.

    Aunt Laura,Amanda, Elizabeth and Joanna

  2. What a wonderful gift to Kress, a celebration of a baby after he has been here awhile!

    Carlos Phinehas...there has to be a story behind his name! That first photo of him is precious!

  3. Oh he is an absolute little darling! You all look as if you had a wonderful time of fellowship together. I had to laugh at the pictures of the boys with the clothes pegs. I cannot fathom the attraction little boys have for pinning them on themselves - but Isaac and Elisha do exactly the same thing!
    P.S. We have finally updated our blog with pictures of our newest blessing. Shockingly late!

  4. What a sweet smile he has! I would have lost that game too, I cross my legs all the time.

    At my daughters Keepers at Home club meeting, they were talking about how to sit and bring your legs under your seat and cross your ankles, not your legs. All of us moms started uncrossing our legs, it was pretty funny!

    It looks like everyone had a great time, how sweet it is to celebrate new life God blesses with!

  5. Anonymous19/2/09 13:45

    What a sweet celebration. Is it tradition in your family and/or circle of friends to have a baby shower after the baby is a certain number of months old? All the baby showers I have ever been to were before the baby was born or shortly thereafter. Please explain this celebration.
    Thank you.

  6. Hello, Dearies!!

    Yes, indeed, there is a story behind the little guy's name. Carlos, his first, means 'farmer', and Phinehas comes from Numbers 25, verses 12-13.

    Mrs. Michelle, your newest blessing is absolutely, completely precious! His little picture was so beautiful it nearly took my breath away. Praise the Lord for this baby boy. I'm praying for you, that your recovery will be quick and complete. Love to you!

    {Leave your name, honey, you need'nt be shy! We love feedback and questions.:D }
    But about the question-No, we did'nt mean to make a tradition out of having the shower (or, celebration, as I like to call them, for a fresh look on what a shower really is :) a few months after the baby is born, it just sort of happens that way. After our first few "late" showers, we all discovered we sorta liked having them later, for a number of reasons-a few being that, the mama is completely recovered and rested, the baby is ready to be around crowds without catching everything, we have time to monogram stuff by hand, LOL, and you start to know the baby's personality a little. :D Anyway, it's lots of fun! Hope this answers well!

    Love, Adeline
