Thursday, January 31, 2008

Church Pictures

Hey, Y'all!!
Rachel took a ton of pictures last Sunday at the meeting, and I thought I'd share them with you! God has blessed us tremendously with the most precious group of brothers and sisters in Christ to meet with every Sunday, and fellowship with through out the week~God is so good.
We meet from "house to house" and this particular week we met at Marc & Laura D.'s home~always a delightful place to be.
Hope you enjoy them!
Over and Out,
Adeline Our photogenic Specimen #3 in the 5Mallory cuddles little Ronald Michael...aww... Kress and Aubry having a ball, as always, chatting away the afternoon...
Auntie Laura and Kate catching up on each other... THE HALL, a favorite gathering spot, LOL... Apples to Apples, anyone? [I love this one of Norma~too cute.] In the garage, waiting for the masses to arrive... And they're here!! Let the good times begin... Inside, folks visit, play instruments, talk, and just have a generally relaxing time, maybe kick up thire feet or hold a baby...with a cup of Gano...ah, that's nice... Ah, the joys of grand babies...
What a cutie pie, my goodness!! mother daughter duo... Cleveland dear, with his newest nephew and little cousin!
Love those faces...
The happy boy!
Pretty girl... I shall end with this lovely picture of sweet Gabriella and Ron. Ah, how pretty.
Hope y'all enjoyed a peek at our Sundays!! Praise the Lord for such precious people to grow with...
Have a blessed day!
Love in Jesus,
Adeline, for all


  1. Ohh Peach, you take such good pictures!! Love you and can't wait to see you some time!!
    Love, Bethy

  2. Lovely post! Grand times are had on Sundays!! God continue to bless you all!
    In Our Lord,
    Anna~for the Stones

  3. Oh, how lovely this looks! It must be wonderful to have such fellowship each week.

  4. Anonymous12/2/08 08:29

    Thanks for sharing the pictures. We miss everyone sooo much!

    Abbi (For the Fam)

  5. Ah, Abbi, we miss each of you so very dearly!! I pray we can see y'all in a few weeks!!??
    God bless you all, give everyone our love,

    Addie {for all}
