Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hi-& Bye

Hello, folks!!!
Super busy-must run!!! Am posting a deluge of caption less pictures for your own personal enjoyment and for posterity-authoress desires greatly to properly blog the events following with adequate wordage, but..."duty and honor call me to the North, so-come my dear!"

After we get back from the SAICFF, (hope to see some of you there!) have the New Year's ball we're hosting (!!) and get back into the swing of things come January, I hope to do a little more work on this thing-maybe a few polls or a new backdrop or something-Get a "new look, same great taste" type thing!! ;)

Oh!! Katie heard the baby's heartbeat the other day! We're so excited-each little grand baby is soo dear...Oh, and they're down here for a few days on a visit!!! Ah~bliss is when you have the Lord, and when your whole fam is around you...

Well, bye! Keep us in your prayers-love to you all!!

Over and out,

Adeline-Do-It-Ahead-Of-Time Morton

Monday, December 22, 2008

Here's a few from the dear Thomas' visit back in September...Hey, y'all!!

The T. ladies a month or two ago...awww

Check Spelling

At dinner one night...
A whirl-pool in the creek-cool!

Here's to our precious parents!!! W

Well, all for now! Bye!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Ron's Celebration

Hey, y'all!!
Ah, what a joy our precious Ron is...Our third grandchild, he is a fluffy bundle of, well, just absolute cuteness. His laugh makes you laugh, and his favorite face will be your's too.
Just a few weeks ago, we all gathered to celebrate this little darling...laughter, loving notes, gifts and dainty foods, (all so thoughtfully prepared and lovingly brought) were enjoyed throughout the afternoon...The spirit of the Lord that was there, that love, is what made this little shower extra special, I believe...so here's to our darling big sis and nephew-we love y'all!
Our little man of the day!
Lappin' wit' him's mama..
Mama and big brother Bret
Reading notes...and such pretty ones, too...One of the ladies had printed out of picture of little Ron, and "framed" it with pretty paper on the front of the card-it was so beautiful! What an adorable diaper bag...The monogramming is so elegant!
Gifts...Isn't that a cute blue diaper pail? And I love the practical gift of the apple sauce...such a great idea.
And then at the last, Rachel brought out a beautiful truck that Wesley had hand made for little Ron..It was soo sweet, and just made everybody cry...Wesley made it look exactly like the one Alan drives, with the company name and everything. Isn't it precious? I know Ron will enjoy it so much.
Beautiful Mama...
And here's the lovely feast! Notice the chocolate dipped pretzels to the right. Also the cheesecakes.
And the cake...Lord, do bless him, Father...
And to wrap it up, a picture of our two special people, Katie and Ronald-May God bless you richly. We're so grateful for you both!!

Goodnight, dear readers...love those precious babies in your life. They're bénédictions fabuleuses!


Hello, Folks!
Well, what wonderful days of thanksgiving we had together on the 27 and 28. We had a delightful meal with part of our family on the 27, {enjoying the amazing lights, a hamburger and the whole town on the square that evening!} and then when Katie, Alan, the kids, and our grandparents came in the next day, we had another feast and more wonderful celebrating...So, all in all, we had our dear Grand Daddy and Nana, our children and all the grandchildren here all at one time...I think that's one of the most precious things in the whole world, when you have your family around the table with you...

We have so much to be thankful to our precious Heavenly Father for-too many to name-but the most important thing that we have to be grateful for, is His amazing love, and His sending His only Son to restore our relationship with Him. That is truly awesome.
Thank You, Father...

The day dawns... The little munchkin enjoying his food like a man... "Did you say beans?" "Hear ye, hear ye!!"
Priscilla Mullen Alden bearing gourds and squashes...What an amazing lady...{guess what? One of her direct descendant is one of our dearest friends, Mrs. Cindy L., who's maiden name was Alden!! Wow...So neat.
A darling picture Kress took of Michael Jr. and little Carlos. They take turns reading aloud... ;)
Down town lights!!! How glorious..they turn 'em on on Thanksgiving night, and the whole town shows up for the fun!! The lights hang like a canopy from the tipy top of the courthouse...
We ran into lots of dear old friends-It was such a joy to see P., now married with the cutest little girl and one on the way!!! Praise God! And also our dear baby sitter from years ago, L.-this isn't her, of course, this is her adorable, darling little guy-isn't he just a doll? It was soo good to see you, Mrs. L!!!