Friday, July 21, 2006

The horse is prepared for the day of battle,but
victory belongs to the Lord. Prov. 21:31
The view behind a house we did awhile ago for Mr.
and Mrs. Cook. They are from the U.K. And
recently moved to the States.
Their English accents were at times very amusing. :]

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Good evening, dear friends in bloggerland. It is quite late on election night - I just wanted to post a report on the exciting and quite educational evening. Michael took me out to - are you ready? - Vern and Fireball's Blue Sky Grill - a neat place in lovely downtown Moultrie. The salad was great.Then we walked across the sqare to the courthouse annex and watched the election returns with other folks here in town. Don't you wish you lived in a small , South Georgia town with a square and a place with such an unusual name and such good salads?? :)
Anyway, we had quite a delightful time watching the returns. We spoke with Benny Alderman and his lovely wife. Mrs. Saxby Chambliss was there and was very gracious and cordial, coming over and meeting Michael and thanking him for stepping out to run . We spoke with Rev. Hugh Ward and Mr. Brian Baker , the American Lit teacher in our local government high school . We met the pastor of First Baptist and several really precious folks.
This election afforded me the opportunity to put a name with a face that I have wondered about for years. Let me tell you the story. Every now and then, I would see this lovely mother , with her four children in tow, all dressed beautifully, smiling and looking sharp. Now, I do love for a "large" family to look sharp and lovely; I think it reflects well on the Lord and the husband involved . So, who was this mystery lady and her lovely children?????????? (Years go by......) Well, I turned around at the candidate's forum several weeks ago and there was the mystery lady of years ago!! Her husband was one of Michael's group of men running for the same seat on the commission!! It was so delightful to finally meet the lady who had really inspired me for years that ,yes, Virginia, it is okay to dress well and smile!!

The election returns were not a surprise - Terry Clark, a local farmer , won the seat. We appreciate the folks who voted for Michael. His views of Smaller Government, and More Personal Responsibility , the essential pillars of private property and living life by the Word of God , are basic foundations that many of the fine folks here in Moultrie do hold dear, and we are grateful for that . We had a great time, met a lot of wonderful people and are looking forward to what God has tomorrow!!

Wedding plans are still continuing - I planned the rehearsal dinner while I sat with my aunt in the ICU and it is shaping up to be a fun evening. Well, 'till tomorrow. Jeanine

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Addie's Musings...

Hey Y'all!
Hope you are all well! Martha and I were just sitting around the lunch table talking, laughing and thinking about all the dear folks the Lord has graciously allowed us to meet~you are all such a blessing to us! Miss ya'll very much...
This morning I started working on our bridesmaid's dresses for Michael and Kressant's wedding! Gracious, can you believe that the wedding will be in about 45 days?!! Michael reminded us of that this morning... :) What a sweet brother he is... anyway, wedding preparations are on the move! Our sewing machine hit the dust, thus our delay in starting sooner on the dresses. :) Mum dear hopes to pick it up from the shop, Lord willing, this afternoon, then I can hop right on sewing them up. They are all white muslin, and each of them is a little different. Each of us has had a great time picking out and altering/designing their own! Humm...I suppose I will dream about ...white muslin tonight?
Mama dear has been out all morning, visiting our precious Aunt Betty in the hospital~She had a minor stroke yesterday afternoon, but the only thing she is having trouble with today is being able to talk real well~The Lord is so gracious to us, for her to be doing so well! Praise His name! We would really appreciate your prayers for her complete recovery.
Well, I'll sign off! Today are the eletions for the County Commission races here in Colquitt County. Daddy is running for the seat in the third district. We are praying for God's will to be done in it all! Well, bye for now, y'all! Have a blessed day!!
Love in Christ,
{For the Clan}

Monday, July 17, 2006

~Blog manager~

I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to post
more, but hopefully I'll do better in the
future. :) ~Wesley~

Saturday, July 15, 2006

James 1:5 ~w~

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God,
who gives to all men generously and without reproach,
and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith
without any doubting, for the one who doubts is
like the surf of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.

This is Wesley Morton and his sweet sister, Adeline. He is named for his Uncle Wesley - featured in the next post - and even favors him, don't you think? :)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I'm sorry, no autographs just now. Perhaps later.

After church, we had a fun evening with the church family to honor Amanda Davis on her graduation from Home School high school. Congratulations , Amanda!!

Then, later on Sunday night, the Smiths arrived for the Fourth of July weekend . A fun time was had by all. A little wedding planning and sewing , working out some details, some fun playing amongst the children and general good fellowship filled the day , Monday. With them were two dear children from Latvia, whom the Smiths are hosting this summer for five weeks. We stayed up entirely too late Monday night watching Mr. Bret's fave movie. The fourth is actually Bret and Jacqueline's anniversary -- Yeah!!!!! - - so Mr. and Mrs. Bret Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morton went out to eat whilst the folks at home hosted Michael and Kressant at the Back Porch Cafe.

FYI, A Morton Back Porch Cafe was a heart storm - you've heard of a brain storm ? Well, when Katie was a very young girl, she had an idea of inviting her Grandparents over , asking them to DRESS UP, and setting a romantic table for two on our back porch and serving them a fancy meal, complete with menu and place cards, flowers and music. So, voila - was born the Back Porch Cafe. It is quite a compliment to have a BPC given in your honor. The invitations are very hard to get and quite coveted. :)

Tuesday saw us all load up and off to the Sanders - that's THE Sanders - of Auburn , Alabama. We spent a delightful day of swimming, obstacle course running and eating - fabulous grilled chicken. We met some delightful folks - the Whatley family and the Hardy family. It was good to see Hosea Horneman again.

All in all , a very fun Fourth. (Say that fast five times.)

A few last minute thoughts............
Reverence your husband - He's your head. Honor your parents - It's vital. Take your daughters out to lunch. Hug your sons. Write the married ones letters. As I learn more, I'll pass it on. :) ( hey, I'm talking to myself , too -- ya know that.)
It is late, I'm off to bed. Good night. Let's all persevere in well doing and not get weary. Michael says there's a new load of mercy for us in the morning.
Wesley said to be sure to sign this post, so here goes.......Mrs. Michael Morton :)

Alan playing a tune on the tin whistle~"very nice"!
Michael and Kressant,

Dorothy dearie'o,