Thursday, June 29, 2006

Tonight , Michael B. , the patriarch of our clan, (and my sweetheart) , was involved in a candidate's forum sponsored by our local chamber of commerce. He is running for a commissioner seat in our county. The evening went well, and we relaxed afterward with chip and dip , ice cream and Martha's eggplant parmigiana. (We actually grew the eggplant, with Dorothy's diligent gardening.) Michael's presentation was well received and we look forward to the primary on July 18.

Wedding plans for Michael, Jr. and Kressant Smith , his betrothed, continue with great joy and excitement. It will be a beautiful and memorable ceremony. And fun!

Alan and Katie, our oldest daughter and beloved son in law, are now expecting a little bambino - they are so proud, grateful, and excited . They are praising the Lord for blessing them with a child . Now, we get to all wait and wait.....

Now that Katie is married and with Alan, if a trip to town is needed, I have to go, since I'm the only lady home during the day with a license. I love to take the opportunity to take one of my precious daughters with me and stop and spend some time together - say chip and dip at a restaurant, or splitting a sub sandwich or getting an ice cream cone!! If we have time , I especially enjoy taking them out to eat. Michael has always made opportunity to take me out to eat, and I guess we've found it a wonderful way to stay connected and communicating with our family. But then again, we talk all the time! Isn't it glorious to be able to be with our families?!! Now that one little bird has flown out of our nest , I am keenly aware of how precious those times of visiting and talking are--- and how much my parents love me!! God knew what he was talking about when He said "Honor your parents" and "Love your children"

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

This past weekend, the Morton family and Barry and Ethan Plath joined the Smith family on a spelunking trip to Tennessee. Jacqueline and Jeanine stayed in Griffin with the younger boys and the rest of the group loaded up at 3 am and drove to Tennessee. Quite a view, eh?
They hiked up the mountain and then down into the cave. ( The Smith newlyweds were on the trip and the brave and resourceful young groom, Alan , toted all of his beloved's stuff, so all Katie had to do was hike.)

Beautiful Tennessee...

On the way back to the vehicles.

Martha and Bethany in front of a sweet old house.

All of us outside the cave!

Alan, Michael, Cleveland and Wesley~ four wonderful brothers!

My precious sisters and I back at the camping spot.

The daddies and little boys in front of "the horse's head"~It is a natural rock formation, and if you can see it, above Andrew's right shoulder, is the name "Chris". It was Uncle Bret's Scout Leader guy, and it was written 16 or 20 years ago. Since then someone painted that black mane on it, LOL...It was so amazing to see God's underground creation! He is so wonderful and mighty!!

Kress and me. :)

Precious Daddy handing down rope.

The kitchen~ Kressy and Michael made the most wonderful and comforting hot meal for us all Sat. night~never has rice and beans {or anything for that matter} been so good! Thanks so much, sweeties!{Notice the pan in the foreground~all 18 of us ate out of it, and with the same 6 spoons...LOL, How fun...
"Come again?" " Did you say hot food?" "Are those skittles you're eating?"
Martha being pulled up a wall...

Here is Wesley! Feeling a little claustrophobic in a rather tight spot, LOL... All our Men went down a deep 60 foot drop, (while all the rest of us above held our breaths! :) And above,Wes is pictured in the huge room below, on the way to the water fall! {I think that was where they were going...} After they had gone down and were lost in the darkness, all the girls and I sat above the huge hole laughing and singing, and doing impersonations and such! ( Just when one of us was doing an animated chicken walk, and our laughter was bouncing off the walls, two other spelunkers came jogging out of the darkness and interrupted our hilarious say the lest, we all ran immediately back to camp in a tizzy...)